
Charity house donations:Empowering lives

 Today, my visit to a Charity House for Disabled People really changed my perspective of life. Seeing the smiles on their faces and knowing that i could help create a more inclusive world was truly rewarding for me. I decided to donate 1kg of laddoos and 50 samosas to this charity house.No matter how small a contribution is , it still makes a big difference. In this charity house, i met different kinds of people who had major disabilities. I also talked to some of them. After this visit, i developed a sense of gratitude and thanked god that i was capable of bringing a smile on their faces. This activity made me realise the power that kindness holds. This activity also had a big positive impact on me personally. I always wish to make a change and extend my hands and heart to those in need. 

Tree planting

 “Planting trees is like giving a gift to the nature”. Tree plantation is a very important topic. It’s a great way to show love to our mother earth who has given us plentiful resources and make a positive impact on our environment. For me this wasn’t only a fun activity but also made me realise that how important trees are for several processes on earth. This activity taught me patience, responsibility and the value of giving back to nature.I planned this activity by selecting an ideal location and then selecting the type of tree i wanted to plant. I chose an Aloe-vera tree. Planting a tree, not only comes with a sense of responsibility to just plant it but also to grow it by watering it daily. This activity was a hands-on lesson on environmental stewardship for me. I aim to motivate everyone around me to plant as much trees as possible. 

Celebrating Teacher’s day with creative decorations

 “Teachers are the epitome of inspiration, empowering us to go beyond our limitations and unlock the potential within us.”  Teachers day is a special occasion to honour the hard work, dedication and invaluable contributions made by the teachers in our lives. For me, one of the best ways to make this day further memorable was by decorating the school in a heartfelt manner. Through this activity, i got to show my appreciation for the teachers that made a difference in my life and continue to do so. I, along with my fellow classmate, decorated the school board with sincere messages filled with gratitude for our teachers. The impact of this activity on me personally was very positive. Through this, i learned how to work collaboratively and embraced my creative side. Decorating for teachers day was an incredibly meaningful activity for me!